Safety & Health
Safety of its own employees as well as the society in general is paramount for Infrastructure business. That delivers prime necessities of life. We at Infar ensure safety by competency development, training and advanced technology based on engineering, engineering controls and use of personnel protective equipments (PPEs) and special tools.
The businesses are governed by many Acts, rules, regulations and guidelines, all of which are envisaged with safety of man and machine. The statutory requirement of safety also plays an important role in safety systems.

At Every location of business, we take necessary steps on regular basis to ensure safety of employees and equipment’s. Some of the measures that we take to ensure fulfillment of safety requirements, include:
- Internal and External safety audits in daily basis
- Mock drills
- Emergency preparedness planning
- Disaster management
- Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
- Compliance of all statutory requirements
- Safety committees with representation of working level staff
- Site visits and inspections
- Safety Promotion campaigns
- Observing National Safety Day followed with safety week at many locations